BBC introducing

BBC Introducing is the the UK’s largest supporting platform for unsigned, undiscovered and under the radar musicians. It exists purely to enable artists to highlight themselves and get their music into the ears of BBC radio DJ’s.

One of, if not the main function of the site therefore, is enabling artists to upload their music files in order for them to join the ranks and compete fairly, while behind the scenes another piece of software called Peel, processes the tracks and enables the DJ’s to listen, review and highlight favourites.

Our role in the latest incarnation of all this functionality was to take on business analysis, user stories, and wireframes created by another BBC roster agency, Softwire, and apply the Introducing and Peel brands and identities.

Within a tight deadline, the designs were created with input and collaboration between all parties and handed back to Softwire for technical implementation.

One extra little easter egg highlight within all this for us was the opportunity to commission animator Dan Britt to create a looping animation that explains the whole process while tracks are uploaded, the results of which push the brand even further into an hypnotically watchable animated format.